Ghost & Demon possession
Ghosts unlike Zombies, Vampires & Tories are not real so its difficult to make them scary. So there are rules to watching these movies effectively that make the name of this blog pointless but we can twist it.
Even though I'm a ghostsceptic I can be scared shitless by these films if done rightly because there are things in your head that trigger pussyness.
1. Do not watch these movies drunk - Its pointless you can take on anything when drunk (Freddy, Jason, Mr Myers) so why would you find these movies scary. The perfect scenario is to get you at your most vulnerable so not when your drunk & full of confidence but when your hungover, feeling week & emotional, you can hardly lift your head up let alone fight off a BAMBI. (So the beer count should be the amount you drank the night before to create the optimum level of hungover enjoyment)
2. Watch the film on your own. I've seen dillrods watching horror films in the cinema screaming there heads off. You can get engrossed in a film but really, your surrounded by dozens of people in a very safe place (unless its America).
3. Not just on your own but in the DARK & slightly cold (Wooooooo scary)
Swayze signs up to Ghost II |
As a side note I really hope there is no afterlife. I cant think of anything worse than getting through all this shit & just when you think its over & you can relax. Bang there's more shit to deal with and this shit may for eternity Nightmare!!!!
For the last 10 years Hollywood has pretty much given up on their own talent & remade every East Asian horror movie they could buy the rights for, so film makers grabbed the nearest hand held camera & decided to make their own. The Blair witch project (1999) was such a huge success making millions from a tiny budget & Later Paranormal activity (2007) blew that away becoming perhaps the most profitable movie of all time in ratio to its budget. There have been a billion of these "found footage" - "CCTV - "Webcam" - "POV" - "Documentary" type films ranging from the shite to the slightly less shite (No honestly there are some Gems) we will call it
Shaky camera shit
Shaky camera shit II
Ghost Testing
Buying Ghosts
Who would have thought you could have a whole genre dedicated to fuckwits who buy a ghost or a cursed item but ever since the definitive monkey paw dick worshipers have been destined to give it a go.Ghost Mysteries
Scooby Doo type Ghost shit or supernatural thrillers as they are sometimes called.(2012) (2011) |
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