When Hubba Bubba attacks |
Food for five years, a thousand gallons of gas, air filtration, water filtration, Geiger counter. Bomb shelter! Underground... God damn monsters.
The Creature from the Blue Lagoon or the Blob not sure |
I think the First film I ever saw was Gorgo (1961) a fantastic British Godzilla rip off about a giant fire breathing lizard that terrorises Ireland but gets captured & held in a zoo only to have its even gianterer mother come & kick arse to get him back (I was well on the side of the giant angry lizard Humans are Jerks). Monster movies are probably the best example of "the worse they are the more entertaining". If you have ever seen It Came from Hollywood or Mystery Science Theater 3000 you know what I mean. Luckily the monster movie is still going strong, the SyFy channel pumps them out every week replacing bad rubber suits for terrible CGI the Genre is awesome as ever.
Creature features & shaky cam - found footage do mix - shock
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